About Me

 I have my PhD in Polymeric Materials from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) with a thesis on stress induced oxidation and chemiluminescence. Since then I have been initiating and running many large projects with both industrial and academic partners.

The work has usually been need driven industrial research and has often involved analyses of components taken out of service. From this a fundamental understanding of degradation mechanisms has been built up.

I have found that having a background as a chemical engineer has been very useful in understanding the interaction between various chemical environments and polymeric materials. 



  1. K Jacobson, J Carlson, P Lindblad "Non-Destructive Testing of Plastics and Composites in the Chemical Processing Industry", WCNDT, Munich, 2016
  2. K Jacobson, prediction of long term performance of polyolefin pipes in contact with chlorine dioxide as disinfectant, XVII International Plastic Pipes Conference, Chicago, USA, 2014
  3. K Jacobson; Plastic materials in chlorine plants – Past experiences and ongoing research activities, Eurochlor, Madrid 2014
  4. Jacobson and J Hassinen “Investigation and comparison of accelerated pipe testing data with true pipe installations in contact with chlorine dioxide as disinfectant” XVI International Plastic Pipes Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
  5. Jacobson “Corrosion of plastic pipes – the rôle of disinfectants” Annual meeting European Committee for the study of corrosion and protection of pipes and pipeline systems – Drinking water, waste water, gas and oil, Ceocor, Lucern, Switzerland, 2012.
  6. K Jacobson, ” Fighting Legionnaires’ disease with chlorine dioxide - A crucial problem for water pipes”, Corrosion News no 1, 2011.
  7. Jacobson “Lessons learnt from failure analyses and success stories” High Performance Elastomers & Polymers for Oil & Gas Applications, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2012.
  8. Jacobson “Materials selection and life-time assessment for polymeric materials in harsh chemical environments” High Performance Thermoplastics and Composites for Oil & Gas Applications, Houston, USA, 2011
  9. Jacobson “Corrosion of plastic pipes used in contact with chlorinated water” Annual meeting European Committee for the study of corrosion and protection of pipes and pipeline systems – Drinking water, waste water, gas and oil, Ceocor, Menthon St Bernard, France, 2011.
  10. Jacobson, P Eriksson, T. Reitberger & B. Stenberg, “Chemiluminescence as a Tool for Polyolefin Oxidation Studies“ Advances in Polymer Science vol 169, Long-term properties of polyolefins, Ed A-C Albertsson, Springer 2004
  11. Jacobson “Concentration profiles of Irganox 1010 stabiliser over cross sections of injection moulded polypropylene after exposure to water and 50 wt% sulphuric acid” In manuscript.
  12. Jacobson “Polyethylene and Polypropylene exposed to chlorine dioxide (ClO2) disinfected water – degradation mechanism”, In manuscript.
  13. E Jubete, CM. Liauw, K Jacobson, N S. Allen, “Degradation of carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber based water born paints: Part 1 – Effect of talc filler and titania pigment on UV stabilility” Polym Deg Stab 92 (2007) 1611.
  14. M Dahlborg, K Jacobson, S Jonsson “Methods for determining the spatial distribution of oxidation in UHMWPE prostheses” Polym Deg Stab 92 (2007) 437.
  15. Jacobson “Determination of spatial distribution of hydroperoxides in UHMWPE by staining with SO2 or HCl”, Polym Deg Stab 92 (2007) 448.

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